ATTENTION: These 3 Basic Skills Have Changed the Lives of Thousands of People!

Are You Tired of

Feeling Stuck?

You’re not alone. Many people are struggling to find their purpose and live the life they want.

But there is hope! God has a plan for your life, and I'll show you how to take control of your words, thoughts, and actions so that you can start living the life GOD wants for you.

It's All in the Details!

You will learn how to take control of your words,

thoughts, and the seeds you sow.

Experience freedom from bad thoughts!

Learn how to use words to change your WORLD!

Learn how to plant seeds that bring God results!

Are you tired of feeling lost and confused?

Do you feel like something is missing in your life, but can’t figure out what it is?

The 3 essentials will help you find them by teaching you how to connect with your inner wisdom and God's plan for your life.

Maximizing Your Life is Not a Sin

Are you living up to your fullest potential?

The 3 Essentials Course is a step-by-step course that will help you take control of your words, thoughts, and actions so that they line up with God's Word.

Through these proven tips and techniques you'll learn how to identify negative thought patterns and exchange them for a better way!


Are you tired of feeling lost and confused? Do you feel like something is missing in your life, but can’t figure out what it is? You are not alone. We all go through periods of uncertainty and confusion about our lives. But there’s good news – the answers to these questions exist within us already! This introduction module will help you find them by teaching you how to connect with your inner wisdom and God's plan for your life.

($37 Value)

Module 1: The Thoughts You Think

Do you want to renew your mind? This module will help you learn how to renew your mind. It’s a simple, practical and effective way of thinking about life so that it can be lived better. This module will also help you understand the thoughts behind our actions and why we do what we do. We all have a choice in every situation – this course will teach you how to make the right choices for yourself.

($77 Value)

Module 2: The Words You Speak

Do you want to have stronger faith? The Words You Speak is an important module that will teach you how to speak the words of God into your life. This module is designed for anyone who wants to grow in their faith and learn how to pray and speak more effectively. By the end of this module, you’ll be able to confidently talk about your relationship with Christ because you’ve learned what it means to truly believe in Him.

($77 Value)

Module 3: The Seeds You Sow

Are you ready to learn how to sow seeds in your life? The Seeds You Sow is a module that will teach you the principles of sowing and reaping. It’s designed for anyone who wants to live an abundant life, no matter what current circumstances are. This module is also perfect if you want to help others find success in their lives as well. We believe that when we give from our hearts, God always blesses us with more than we could ever imagine!

($77 Value)

TOTAL VALUE: $148.00

YOUR PRICE - Only 55.00

The 3 Essential Course will unlocks the tools

to create the life God wants for you!

Positive, encouraging and supportive community

Find peace while achieving the fullness of His purpose in your life

Increase your self confidence by taking charge of what you think, say and do

Create and maintain a healthy perspective in every situation

Develop good habits and break bad ones with my proven tips

Ready to live a life that is fulfilling, happy, and full of purpose?

Don't Just Take My Word For It...

Life-Changing for ME! ...

I enrolled in the first-ever course from Coach Thomas. I never realized how my daily words and thoughts decided my life. I never dreamed this course would change my life so drastically."

-Karen Moyers

Is the 3 Essentials Course For You?

This Course IS for YOU if...

You have big dreams and goals you want to accomplish.

You want to gain your God-confidence to take that next big step in your life.

You want to take control of your thoughts, habits, words, and emotions.

You want to learn how to live a more God-fulfilled life.

You want to clear out ALL negative influences that have no place in the life God created for YOU!

This Course is not for You if...

You don't want to receive life-changing strategies for spiritual growth in all aspects of your life.

You don't want to break free from negative thinking.

You do not want to put in the work or learn new steps toward victory!

You do not want to leave your comfort zone and are not willing to make personal changes.

You do not want to be spiritually challenged.

This Is Your BEST Chance To Learn How To Defeat the Enemy and Empower Yourself!

  • Understand how thoughts and words create your destiny.
  • Develop new God-skills in order to achieve the life GOD wants for YOU!
  • Experience the relationship with God you have always desired through this Bible Based Course.



There's no risk for you, just try it out and see if it's for you. If not - I will refund all your money!

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